Runner Stats

[cjtoolbox name=’mood-tracker-html’]

What is this?

When you send runners on a mission against a rival Corporation’s subsidiary, their stats are used to determine their chances of success.

The runner is opposed by the subsidiary’s defenses. There are five defense stats to counter each of the runners’ stats:

[cjtoolbox name=’runner-vs-corp-stats’]

You get 12 points to allocate to the defense of each subsidiary (with a minimum 1 and maximum 5 in each type), so spend them wisely, and when you think you might know which runner could be about to attack which of your subsidiaries, spend AP to shore up your defenses in the categories they are strongest in!

What are my offensive strategies?

  • Save money by hiring runners that like your Corp, and targeting subsidiaries they dislike.
  • Spend money to surprise the enemy with a runner they weren’t expecting!
  • Spend AP to “push the limit” on one of your runner’s stats, temporarily increasing it by 1, and even allowing it to exceed the maximum of 5! (This can only be done for a single runner on one stat.)
  • Hire multiple runners to greatly increase your chances of success, at a greatly increased cost.

What are my defensive strategies?

  • Pay attention to which runners get hired each week. These are your potential threats.
  • Do you think you’re a target? Use the mood tracker to gauge who you think the runners are working for and whether that Corp is likely to send them after you, and at what cost.
  • Reallocate your defenses wisely. You can reallocate one point per week for free, more with AP. You can also spend AP to “push the limit” on one stat only, raising it temporarily by 1 and even allowing it to exceed the maximum of 5!
  • Get the runners on your side! The mood tracker suggests ways to affect their opinions of your Corp. If they like your Corp it will be more expensive for your rivals to attack you!

How runs are executed

We’re about to get into the nitty-gritty of the metagame here, so feel free to stop reading unless you really want to know how the sausage is made!

Results of a run are determined Shadowrun-style, with opposed tests using pools of d6es and net hits.

Three of your subsidiary’s defenses will be selected at random to challenge the runner. For the runner to succeed in their mission, they must get one or more net hits on any of the challenges, without the subsidiary getting any net hits for two out of three of the challenges.

The subsidiary always rolls its defense stat times two d6.

The runner rolls their primary stat plus the higher of two secondary stats for their dicepool.

[cjtoolbox name=’runner-vs-corp-dice’]

If the subsidiary gets any net hits on two or more of the challenges, the runner is thwarted and the mission is unsuccessful. Otherwise, the net hits of the runner are added up to determine the level of success of the run. (The runner must obtain at least one net hit to succeed. Net hits obtained by the subsidiary do not count against their total.)